HRA recruitment is the recruitment division of HR Associates Ltd. We are one of the leading recruiting experts in constructions, building, oil & gas and engineering in Asia. With our internationa
H商業 / 商業優惠H R Associates (H.K.) Limited

Manks Quarters Limited is the real estate arm of Manks Limited
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Manks Quarters

大浩車行集團有限公司Water Motors Group Limited專營的士及小巴買賣,至今服務各車主已十多年,為客戶辦理的士及小巴買賣按揭分期﹑代理保險﹑代客收租托管的士小巴﹑維修及報稅等業務,為顧客提供“一條龍”售前及售後服務,協助顧客解決一切有關投資的士及小巴之困難。 我們的信念 大浩車行秉承“以客為先”的服務宗旨,提供方便快捷的優質服務

Locheer Group was an independent direct investment group established in Hong Kong since 1994. Locheer's key geographical focus is Hong Kong, Asia and China. We believe the Asia-Pacific is the most dy
L健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Locheer Healthcare centre is one of the best website for trading cars, parts and related service website in Hong Kong. Launched in 2001, it provides a free trading platform all over the world. Registered members can

Chinese | English §Login UserName: Password: Add: Rm 15H,YongfuBuilding, Guoqi Tower, Shangbu S. Rood, Futian,Shenzhen, China. Web site: E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (852
C商業 / 會社、組織及團體Color Global Holdings Limited

The Hong Kong Sailing Federation (HKSF), formerly Hong Kong Yachting Association, is the national authority for the sport of sailing in Hong Kong. Founded as the Hong Kong Yacht Racing Federation in

東華顧問有限公司 Eastwell Consultants Ltd. 香港軍事訓練協會 Hong Kong Military Training Association 本公司是舉行不同之野外活動, WAR GAME... 野外求生 ... 軍事訓練營等,另外還設有其他興趣班, 包括歌唱課程、游泳課程、魔術班、烹飪班 ( 西式甜點 ) 、藝術拼貼 , 歡迎大家登入我們的網址。 軍事野外求生營 地點
E商業 / 會社、組織及團體Eastwell Consultants Ltd 東華顧問有限公司

About Yau Luen Yau Luen Tyre Co. LTD. was founded in 1970s in Hong Kong began in a small shop by repairing tyres for passenger cars and trucks. In 1983, our business expanded to OFF-THE-ROAD section
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠友聯膠輪有限公司

Bridal Academy為Compass Education Group 企下學院,專屬舉辦婚禮及新娘化妝形象培訓課程,學院突天荒請來囍宴大師 - Jacco Yeung成為婚禮統籌首席導師,成為香港唯一一間由全職婚禮統籌師執教學院,以及星級化妝師Emma Lee 為化妝課程總監,導師陣容可謂星光熠熠。 於2009年更成為全港首間學院舉辦日校課程,令應屆中五及中七畢業生可接觸專業培訓。 『認
M美容 / 教學進修MS CHEUNG

HAIR BRAIDING & SETTING ☆ cornrows, milkmaids, and any other specific styles upon customer's requests. currently based in HONG KONG. interested? bookings @: email: [email protected] phone: 8529

杜卡迪(香港)有限公司 杜卡迪(香港)有限公司為意大利品牌Ducati的香港總代理。本公司成立於2003年,旨在將Ducati的意大利優良機車文化及傳統引入香港,讓大眾認識有如藝術品的機車工藝,將電單車文化推上更廣闊的層面。 除引進各款最新型Ducati車款外,杜卡迪(香港)有限公司更會定期派員到意大利總廠接受技術培訓,確保對最新型號亦有專業的維修技術,為客戶提供多一份信心保證。 透過杜卡迪(香
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠杜卡迪(香港)有限公司

我們為你提供專業的服務包括: ~通風管道清洗 ~空調系統清洗 ~系統消毒服務 ~廚房通風管道清潔 ~室內空氣質素化驗及驗証質素服務 ~室內空氣改善措施 ~室內空氣質素訓練服務 Our Professional Services ~Air Duct Cleaning Services ~HVAC Cleaning Services ~Sanitization Services ~Kitchen E
a商業 / 清潔及滅蟲athenafung2344

來這裡認識更多愛寵物人士及和別人分享你養寵物的心得.... PetSay-寵物港--綜合寵物討論區: 虛擬寵物--試養一隻虛擬寵物看看你的能力 寵物影片--你還可以在此找尋世界各地任何影片.. 遊戲中心--超過7百多個網上小遊戲任你玩 http://pets

New Century Motorcycles Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of Hong Kong trading corporation Well Truth (Holdings) Limited and was established in 1994. It is a professional group specializing in selling and dist
N汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠New Century Motorcycles Co., Ltd

We Clean with our HEARTS! You can depend of us as Easy Care has been in the market since 1985. Established in 1985, Easy Care Carpet Systems Limited has been specializing in carpet maintenance servic
E商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Easy Care Carpet Systems Ltd.

Our Maids We choose our employees with the same care you take in selecting a home cleaning service. Sparkle Maids are experienced professionals you can rely on to clean beyond the surface, trust with
S商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Sparkle Maids

PPS to most people - is a name that is synonymous with quality and reliability. Established in 1976, over the years we have grown from a local cleaning service provider into today's market leader. Ou
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲寶聯Pollution & Protection Services Ltd.
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